Battlements (Wyvern)

The battlements of Castle Wyvern were designed both to protect the Castle from invaders and as a vantage point to spy enemies on the approach and to position archers... as well as for the gargoyles to catch a current of wind and take to the air. The battlements were re-constructed atop the Eyrie Building in 1994 and are often damaged during various attacks and battles on the Castle still.
The battlements were designed and built beginning in 971 and were complete by 975. It can be presumed that throughout the Dark Ages, many battles took place upon the battle upon the battlements, culminating in the siege led by Hakon and his band of Vikings. The garrison under the command of the Captain of the Guard battled valiantly before dusk, but once the Sun set, it was the Wyvern Clan that won that battle. ("Awakening: Part One")
Following the massacre of the clan and the abandonment of the Castle, by 1994, David Xanatos rebuilt the Castle atop the Eyrie Building in New York City. The very first night, the gargoyles who would become the Manhattan Clan battled invading commandos. Two nights later, they battled the Steel Clan for the first time and dealt with the betrayal of Demona. During both of these battles, destruction of these battlements resulted in damage to the streets below. Further, the debris sparked not only Elisa Maza's investigation into Xanatos, but also her friendship with the gargoyles. ("Awakening: Part otTwo", "Awakening: Part Five")
Various battles and incidents took place on the battlements throughout the next three years including the gargoyles' first encounter with the Mutates, their battle against Oberon, a battle with Thailog where he extracted DNA samples from each of the clan, and a distraction caused by Antoinette Dracon which allowed Demona to steal Puck's Flute. ("Metamorphosis", "The Gathering" Part Two, "Bash", "Acquisitions")
Owen Burnett has expressed fatigue with supervising endless reconstruction of the battlements. ("Masque")
The battlements are many, massive, and constructed with crenelated merlons. They were designed for the garrison to easily defend the Castle, and the Wyvern Clan would sleep during the day on the battlements and towers. Nowadays, in theory they shouldn't see battle. But in practice, they do so quite often.